Thursday, December 27, 2018

Book review: The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand

Book Summary
On Christmas Eve five years ago, Holly was visited by three ghosts who showed her how selfish and spoiled she'd become. They tried to convince her to mend her ways.

She didn't.

And then she died.

Now she's stuck working for the top-secret company Project Scrooge--as the latest Ghost of Christmas Past.

Every year, they save another miserly grouch. Every year, Holly stays frozen at seventeen while her family and friends go on living without her. So far, Holly's afterlife has been miserable.

But this year, everything is about to change. . . .

Flo's Review
I don't want to say too much about this book, because I went in knowing next to nothing about what to expect -- and I think that's one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much. Every time a new aspect was presented I kept thinking, "How creative! How clever!" I really enjoyed the Project Scrooge storyline. It was just so interesting to me to see how the whole operation unfolded.

This was also a delightfully easy and addictive read. I literally read it in two sessions. Usually I don't do well with unlikeable protagonists, but I was just so intrigued with the story that I didn't really mind Holly. I just took her as she came. And, of course, her attitude was in line with the story.

The Unearthly trilogy by Cynthia Hand was one I really enjoyed (Team Tucker! Who's with me?!??), so I was definitely happy to pick up another one of this author's works. I checked this book out from the library, but I just might have to buy myself a copy. This is one I could possibly see myself enjoying in my Christmas To Come.

Throwback to my review of Unearthly

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