Thursday, December 13, 2018

Blog Tour: Guest Post - The Accidental Beauty Queen by Teri Wilson

When I first heard about this book, I thought it sounded simply adorable! I am looking forward to reading it. So naturally, I jumped on the opportunity to participate in the blog tour. I was happy that author Teri Wilson agreed to share about her real-life experience judging beauty pageants. Read her Guest Post below, and then learn more about The Accidental Beauty Queen after the page break.

How was your experience(s) judging beauty pageants? Any funny/unique stories? Lessons learned?

 I’ve judged three pageants over the course of the past two years—the national Miss United States pageant in summer 2017, the Miss Central Texas pageant in Fall 2017, and most recently, the Miss San Antonio/Miss Bexar County pageant just a few weeks ago. The last two pageants I judged were both in the Miss America system. Miss America recently changed their pageant scoring system and completely eliminated the swimsuit portion, so it was really interesting judging with their system before and after the changes. 
The Miss United States pageant invited me to judge because I’ve had a few books made into Hallmark Channel movies and the pageant director and marketing director were both big Hallmark fans. They followed me on social media and saw how much I adore fashion and sparkle (I love following the royal family, so tiaras pop up on my pages a lot) so they reached out with an invitation. I was stunned, but also super excited to say yes. 
I love judging pageants, especially the teen divisions of the competition. Honestly, I’m pretty blown away by teenagers who compete. They are remarkably poised and can carry on conversations about many things I wouldn’t have known much about when I was that age. Without fail, they all have a strong commitment to community and charity work. That was definitely my biggest takeaway from my first judging experience. It was amazing seeing how much the contestants had done for others in their community. I know a lot of people poke fun at pageants, but from my experience the young women who choose to compete are truly wonderful people. I definitely wanted to emphasize this in The Accidental Beauty Queen, which is why it’s got such a pro-woman, body-positive message.
The talent competition is always a lot of fun. It’s amazing what can be truly entertaining. Who knew I loved yodeling? For real. The winner of the last pageant I judged did a yodeling number called “I Want to be a Cowboy’s Sweetheart,” and she completely nailed it. It was adorable. I’ve also found myself sobbing through a sign-language performance of “How Great Thou Art.” Talent is really great because you just never know what to expect. I live for the day I’ll finally get to see flaming batons.

The Accidental Beauty Queen
by Teri Wilson
On Sale: December 4, 2018
Gallery Books | Trade Paperback Original
ISBN: 9781501197604 | $16.00
E-ISBN: 9781501197611 | $7.99
Audio-ISBN: 9781508283553 | $17.99

In this charming romantic comedy perfect for fans of Meg Cabot and Sophie Kinsella, critically acclaimed author Teri Wilson shows us that sometimes being pushed out of your comfort zone leads you to the ultimate prize. 

Charlotte Gorman loves her job as an elementary school librarian, and is content to experience life through the pages of her books. Which couldn’t be more opposite from her identical twin sister. Ginny, an Instagram-famous beauty pageant contestant, has been chasing a crown since she was old enough to enunciate the words world peace, and she’s not giving up until she gets the title of Miss American Treasure. And Ginny’s refusing to do it alone this time.      

She drags Charlotte to the pageant as a good luck charm, but the winning plan quickly goes awry when Ginny has a terrible, face-altering allergic reaction the night before the pageant, and Charlotte suddenly finds herself in a switcheroo the twins haven’t successfully pulled off in decades.      

Woefully unprepared for the glittery world of hair extensions, false eyelashes, and push-up bras, Charlotte is mortified at every unstable step in her sky-high stilettos. But as she discovers there’s more to her fellow contestants than just wanting a sparkly crown, Charlotte realizes she has a whole new motivation for winning.

About the Author:
Teri Wilson is the author/creator of the Hallmark Channel Original Movies Unleashing Mr. Darcy, Marrying Mr. Darcy, and The Art of Us, as well as a fourth Hallmark movie currently in development. Teri is a double finalist in the prestigious 2018 RWA RITA awards for her novels The Princess Problem and Royally Wed. Teri also writes an offbeat fashion column for the royal blog What Would Kate Do and is a frequent guest contributor for its sister site, Meghan’s Mirror. She’s been a contributor for both HelloGiggles and Teen Vogue, covering books, pop culture, beauty, and everything royal. In 2017, she served as a national judge for the Miss United States pageant in Orlando, Florida, and has since judged in the Miss America system. She has a major weakness for cute animals, pretty dresses, Audrey Hepburn films, and good books. Visit her at or on Twitter @TeriWilsonAuthr.

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