Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Audiobook review: The Golden Tower by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare

I heart this series so much! And, yes, I am missing the third book. I need to fix that...
Book Summary 
The final, thrilling installment in this extraordinary series from bestselling authors Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.

A generation ago, powerful mage Constantine Madden came close to achieving what no magician had ever achieved: the ability to bring back the dead. He didn't succeed . . . but he did find a way to keep himself alive, inside a young child named Callum Hunt.

Facing up to what he is, Callum has battled chaos and evil across four years of magical training at the Magisterium, eventually defeating the armies of chaos in an epic battle.

It came at a cost.

Now, triumphant and heartbroken, Callum Hunt has just about had enough, and is ready to complete his training. But the evil Callum faced has not given up just yet...

Flo's Review
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series! It's been 5 books of fun. I feel proud of how the characters have grown, almost as if they are my little brothers and sisters. The Golden Tower found a creative and effective way to both solve a seemingly unsolvable problem and also give the reader all the remaining background information on the events that led up to this series. It was kind of a lot -- there was what seemed like a pretty big reveal in there, but basically nothing came of it. Also, what was the point of including Gwenda? I feel like her only purpose was to -- ahh never mind, I won't say it (minor spoiler), but it's not a big or necessary plot point in the story. Jasper however -- Jasper FTW! I love that crazy little boy. 

I found myself getting teary eyed as I listened to the closing scene of the book, which was 100% perfect...
and true to Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. That's all I can say about that.

The Magisterium series is such an overlooked gem in middle grade literature. You don't hear much about it, but I simply adore it. I love how it purposely is kind of like Harry Potter, but then is totally not. I love how all the book endings are true to Black and Clare (read: cliffhangers of the "OMG!" variety). I loved this trio of main characters, and some of the supporting ones as well. And when I reached the end of The Golden Tower, I felt the happy combination of satisfied with the ending, curious about what may come, and sad to say goodbye.

Read our reviews of the Magisterium series:

The Iron Trial:

The Copper Gauntlet:

The Bronze Key:

The Silver Mask:

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the ending. I guess I should continue reading the final 2 books in the series :)
