Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Mystery Blogger Award!

So, guess what?! The Book Nerds have been chosen for the Mystery Blogger Award! {insert happy dance} Um, it turns out we were actually nominated for this back in April and I just now saw it because #FloFail. Whoops. At any rate, better late than never, right?! Right!

Here are the rules of the Award:

1. Put the award logo on your blog.
2. Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog.
3. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog as well. (Maggie @okoto enigmas blog)
4. Tell your readers three things about yourself.

5. Nominate 10-20 people.

6. Notify your nominees.

7. Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, specifying one weird/funny question.
8. Share a link to your best post(s).

1. I'll be taking care of this as soon as I'm done with this post. Excited for the new bling!

2. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Catfairy Books! I am so sorry I just now saw this! If anyone is reading this who hasn't seen her blog yet, you should definitely check it out. She updates regularly, is writing a magical realism book, uses lots of fun pictures and GIFs, and loves Dawson Creek! Basically, it's a win all around:

3. Thanks to Okoto Enigma's Blog for starting this fun:

4. Let's see...these are going to be completely random. 1) I'm not a fan of olives. 2) Today (August 8) is the 28th anniversary of my sister seeing our favorite band, New Kids on the Block, in concert for the first time. My parents told me I couldn't go because I was too young, and I legit am still sad about it to this day. 3) I own 4 sets of the Hunger Games trilogy books. It might even be more, honestly, but I can think of 4 of them at this current moment. 

5. 10-20?!?! Hah! I don't think I know that many people. How about 1-2? That's better. So any of the owls at Owl Always Be Reading and Jacque at Jacque's Book Nook -- you're up. I suggest not waiting 4 months like I did....

6.  I'll be taking care of this as soon as I'm done with this post. 

7. Here are Catfairy's questions with my answers:

1) If you were stuck in a television show which show would you want to be stuck in?
Maybe because I'm thinking of Catfairy, but Dawson's Creek might be fun. I'm also currently obsessed with Disney Fairy Tale Weddings...if being stuck in that show means that I would get to have Disney weddings over and over again, then sign me up!
2) If you could travel anywhere around the world where would you go?
Greece and Ireland are on my bucket list! Anyone want to come with??
3) What is your most life-altering book?
Probably The Hunger Games. That book and series got me into fandom and through fandom I met some really great friends and people! I also had so, so many amazing experiences. And it's all because of my love of Peeta Mellark....oh, and Katniss.
4) We always say that the book is better than the movie! Although if you can pick one movie that is actually better than the book which movie would you pick?
Good question! Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I cannot wait for part two this November!
5) Now for my silly/funny question! You’re stuck on a deserted island! What boy/girl band member would you want to be stuck in a deserted island with? 
Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block!
I swear I am not coping out, but I had so much fun with these questions that I am passing them on to my nominees!

8. Best post? Well, here's one I'm super proud of:

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