Sunday, August 12, 2018

Book review: A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan

Book Summary
King Midas once had the ability to turn all he touched into gold. But after his gift—or curse—almost killed his daughter, Midas relinquished The Touch forever. Ten years later, Princess Kora still bears the consequences of her father’s wish: her skin shines golden, rumors follow her everywhere she goes, and she harbors secret powers that are getting harder to hide.

Kora spends her days locked in the palace, concealed behind gloves and veils, trying to ignore the stares and gossip of courtiers. It isn’t until a charming young duke arrives that Kora realizes there may be someone out there who doesn’t fear her or her curse. But their courtship is disrupted when a thief steals precious items from the kingdom, leaving the treasury depleted and King Midas vulnerable. Thanks to her unique ability to sense gold, Kora is the only one who can track the thief down. As she sails off on her quest, Kora learns that not everything is what it seems—not thieves, not pirates, and not even curses. She quickly discovers that gold—and the power it brings—is more dangerous than she’d ever believed.

Midas learned his lesson at a price. What will Kora’s journey cost?

Flo's Review
I had fun with this book! From the moment I first heard about it many months ago, I was looking forward to it. The idea behind the book, following King Midas' golden daughter is just so unique and clever. From the beginning, I was swept up into Kora's well-created world. It was easy to keep the turning the pages as the first stirrings of romance and adventure heralded what was to come in the story. 

But A Touch of Gold was not predictable in the slightest. It changed course much like the ship Kora was on would change course, as new information discovered at several points throughout the story caused me to question everything I thought I knew about these people. (Seriously, though -- trust no one! Lol). The villain was deliciously horrible and the character growth that both Kora and her cousin Hettie undergo is inspiring. The romance plays out with a twist, but I'm happy with the way it ended up and I think other readers will be, too. 

A Touch of Gold comes out August 14, 2018.

Thank you to Blink YA Books for providing me with an advanced reader's copy in exchange for my honest review.

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