Friday, August 24, 2018

Book review: Macbeth #killingit by Courtney Carbone and William Shakespeare

Book Summary
Macbeth, one of the greatest stories ever told . . . in texts?!

Imagine: What if that tragic couple, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, had smartphones? A classic is reborn in this fun and funny adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays!

A prophecy from three witches.
A social-climbing couple committing a murder most foul.
A cover-up that spins way out of control.

and h8. The classics just got a whole lot more interesting. ;)

 tl;dr A Shakespeare play told through its characters texting with emojis, posting photos, checking in at locations, and updating their relationship statuses. The perfect gift for hip theater lovers and teens.

A glossary and cast of characters are included for those who need it. For example: tl;dr means too long; didn’t read.

Flo's Review
This is quality fun, you guys. First of all, the dedication at the beginning of the book from the author reads: "For all the slackers being quizzed on this tomorrow, good luck."

It was clever and I literally LOL and several parts of it.

Such an enjoyable 30 minutes of my life. (Yeah, that's how long it took to read this -- lol.)

Apparently there are others in this series (OMG Shakespeare) so clearly I have to find them all.

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