Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Audiobook review: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake

Note: To keep this review spoiler free, I will not post the book summary, as it may be a spoiler for the first book in the series Three Dark Crowns. Go read Three Dark Crowns! In the meantime, proceed to the review feeling safe that I won't ruin anything for you :).

Flo's Spoiler Free Review
Kendare Blake and the Queens of Fennbirn have done it again! I listened to this one on audiobook and thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. The narrator was great -- she really made the queens sound distinct and gave them voices to match their characters. Nicolas Martel's voice did kind of make me laugh, but he needed an accent, so there you go.

What I loved about this book (and the last one) is that I really had no idea how it could end. A big event would come up and I'd think it would be the kind of thing that would end everything, but it wasn't. Every time! Something happened and I continued to be pulled along in this intriguing story. The action and the pacing in these books is truly fantastic.

I kept saying "No spoilers!" when I wrote the books, and I wouldn't even let myself look at the summary of book 3, just in case. Speaking of book 3, I am so glad I don't have to wait to continue this story. Naturally, I have no idea what direction this is going in after the end of One Dark Throne, and I'm excited to find out.

Next up: Two Dark Reigns. Let's do this.

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