Thursday, May 17, 2018

Book review: Marly's Ghost by David Levithan

Book Summary
Love and I once had a great relationship, but I fear we've broken up. It cheated on me.

When Ben’s girlfriend, Marly, dies, he feels his life is over and the prospect of Valentine’s day without her fills him with bitterness. But then Marly arrives – or at least, her ghost does – along with three other spirits. Now Ben must take a journey through Valentines past, present and future – and what he learns will change him forever.

A remix of Charles Dicksons's A Christmas Carol with a Valentine's twist and the Levithan magic.

Flo's Review
I thought I knew of pretty much all books David Levithan, but I had never heard of this when I saw it in a London bookstore Resistance was futile. But it was the perfect little book to read on the flight back. It's a Valentine's Day retelling of A Christmas Carol -- what a good idea! Especially because Love is the meaning of life (in my opinion) so putting this tale on a holiday that celebrates love is completely apropos. 

I enjoyed the illustrations, which I found out from the Author's Note at the end of the book were based on the illustrations in the original story. Also, it was really interesting to hear David Levithan's process for writing this book, which he also discusses in the Author's Note. 

Tiny and Tim. I love them. All the heart eyes.

Overall, a quick and easy read. It's fun to see the translation of this quintessential Christmas story into a Valentine's Day tale, and see all the characters turned into regular high school teenagers. 

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