Thursday, April 19, 2018

Book review: Salted Caramel Dreams by Jackie Nastri Bardenwerper

Book Summary
Jasmine and Kiara have been best friends forever. They've always shared everything, down to their favorite salted caramel dessert. But this year, everything changes -- Kiara joins the school basketball team, and is suddenly too cool to be friends with Jasmine. Jasmine has never felt more alone.

Her mom signs her up for a dance class against her will, and she hates it at first, but it starts to grow on her. One of the other girls in class, Ava, is really nice, and her best friend, Joseph, is very cute! Things are looking up.

But just when Jasmine is starting to be comfortable with her new normal, Kiara reaches out. Can the girls help each other when they need it most?

Flo's Review
What an adorable book! I really enjoyed this little story. First of all, I was spoiled by the author who sent me these goodies:

The salted caramel hot chocolate was DELICIOUS! And you should have seen me when I figured out the connection of the Plum Perfect lip gloss from the book. Anyway, thank you again, Jackie <3

I knew that Jasmine and Kiara were going to have a falling out, but it still hurt my heart to see it all go down. Jasmine's mom gave her a good and realistic talk after hearing about what happened, and it was nice to read. She was honest in her response, and then took action. Go Mom! 

It was fun to read about Jasmine sliding into a new group of friends (luckily it was easy) and I really enjoyed reading about her first-time experience with the school play. The pacing on the story felt a little awkward though. We would read a scene and then it would be like, "And then three weeks went by." And then there was another scene, and then another two weeks would go by in a single sentence, and then another scene. It was like Vignettes of the Year, kinda. 

The ending was both happy and realistic, which are my favorite kind. It didn't tie together perfectly with a bow -- because that's not how life works. But it was happy in how Jasmine and Kiara evolved separately and also within their bestie relationship.

I think I might try to find the other Swirl books, because this one was fun!

Read our review of Jackie's other book On the Line:

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