Friday, April 20, 2018

Audiobook review -- This Is Me: Loving the Person You Are Today by Chrissy Metz

Book Summary
A prescriptive and inspirational book of life lessons from the breakout star of television's #1 hit show, NBC's This Is Us. Debuting in fall 2016, This Is Us quickly became America's most watched-and most talked about-network television show. Within weeks of its premier, actress Chrissy Metz and her character, Kate, were embraced by countless fans. Seemingly overnight, Chrissy found herself on magazine covers and talk shows, walking red carpets, and the subject of endless conversations on social media.

Chrissy chalks up her popularity to the authenticity of the role. She believes that fans sense she is playing a character whose life is not so very different from her own. It is a performance that comes from her heart and gut, from a universal place that rings true. In reality, Chrissy's presence, her perseverance in Hollywood, and her success story is as genuine-and as inspirational-as it gets. There is no better person to represent and speak out for the everywoman and her experiences.Embracing the spirit of Shonda Rhime's Year of Yes, Chrissy's touching, wise, and honest book speaks to all of us. Blending love and experience, Chrissy encourages us to to claim our rightful place in a world that may be trying to knock us down from all sides. Throughout, her positivity, confidence, and humor are infectious, whether she's talking about her past or present, and she offers amazing one-liners such as: Who needs to fit in when you're meant to stand out?

You need to both know better and do better!

The key is to act deserving, but not entitled.Not your standard celebrity memoir or essay collection, Why Fit In When You're Meant to Stand Out is a smart and helpful guide for living through tough stuff and coming out the other side, written by a woman who has done just that. Grounded and spiritual, Chrissy teaches each one of us how to find our own unique voice-and pursue our dreams.

Flo's Review
I am all here for This Is Us. I absolutely watch it religiously every week (when I can), getting comfy on the couch with my Kleenex and a glass of wine red. And I pretty much cry every time. So when I discovered that Chrissy Metz had written an autobiography, I immediately wanted to read it. And then when I found the audiobook available from the library?! I jumped on it! Not to mention -- read by the author. Audiobooks read the authors are pretty much one of my top five favorite things in this world.

I knew that Chrissy had 81 cents in her bank account when she landed the role of Kate, but I knew nothing about her back story. And what a doozy it was! I hate to use the cliche "Rags to Riches" line, because she busted her butt to get where she is today. Hers is a story of perseverance and hope, and I am so glad she shared it.

It's hard sometimes for people writing autobiographies to not get preachy -- everyone does it, because I think it's our instinct to try to make sense of our lives. And so many of us want to share what we've learned in our journey. So this did that a little bit, but nothing too much more than usual. A lot of things Chrissy said really spoke to me, especially about romantic partners and doing what you love. She talked a lot about showing up for yourself, which is a really great concept. She asked, why would anyone else take a chance on you if you're not willing to take a chance on yourself? I also loved two quotes of her so much that I recorded them as voice memos on my phone so I could jot them down when I got home.

"Make a little change and the universe will shift to conspire with you." -- This one may not be exact, because I was already forgetting it as a I fumbled for my voice recorder, but it's close. I love this idea that the universe is Team You. If you put a little bit out there, the Universe will follow suit for you. It's like a company matching your contribution into your 401K. 

"How do you neglect something so firmly placed on your heart?" -- Yes. This. So much this. I recently, after much time and debate, switched careers. Because what I'm doing now is that thing that was me. It was firmly placed on my heart. I had to make sacrifices to remain true to it, and I did. 

It's always great when actors do their own audiobooks because it's like they're acting as they read. I don't think I would have had the same fun experience with this one if I had been reading it and not listening to Chrissy tell it to me.

If you love This Is Us like I do, pick up this audiobook! And even if you don't, and you just enjoy a good story about a good person working hard to achieve her dreams, then you will enjoy this, too.

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