Thursday, March 1, 2018

Review: Onyx by Jennifer Armentrout

Onyx (Lux, #2)

Goodreads Overview:

Being connected to Daemon Black sucks…

Thanks to his alien mojo, Daemon’s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarro connection. So I’ve sworn him off, even though he’s running more hot than cold these days. But we’ve got bigger problems.

Something worse than the Arum has come to town…

The Department of Defense are here. If they ever find out what Daemon can do and that we're linked, I’m a goner. So is he. And there's this new boy in school who’s got a secret of his own. He knows what’s happened to me and he can help, but to do so, I have to lie to Daemon and stay away from him. Like that's possible. Against all common sense, I'm falling for Daemon. Hard.

But then everything changes…

I’ve seen someone who shouldn’t be alive. And I have to tell Daemon, even though I know he’s never going to stop searching until he gets the truth. What happened to his brother? Who betrayed him? And what does the DOD want from them—from me?

No one is who they seem. And not everyone will survive the lies…

Jacque's Review:

Onyx is the second book in the Lux series.  In this installment Katy discovers some new powers she has developed since Daemon healed her at the end of Obsidian.  She needs to learn how to control them before others discover her secret.  She must also learn how to defend herself from the Arum and others who seem to be after her and her alien friends.

In addition, we are introduced to Blake.  He is a new student from California who immediately takes an interest in Katy.  She decides to go on a date with him to distract herself from her feelings for Daemon, which was never going to happen.  She quickly learns that Blake isn't the "normal" boy she was looking for.  His arrival in West Virginia was more than a simple job transfer for his uncle.

This book was a great addition to the series.  There was a ton of action, humor, danger, and romance to keep the pages turning.  I don't think there was ever a true love triangle, since Katy was always hung up on Daemon, but I was happy to see that element removed by the conclusion.  If the series wasn't steamy enough already, I think it will take a step in that direction now that they have admitted their feeling for each other.  In addition, Daemon and Katy make some remarkable discoveries towards the end of the book.  While I will miss one of the characters that was lost, I look forward to learning more about the new characters that arrived unexpectedly.   


  1. This is one of my favorite series. Love these books

    1. It was on my TBR list for a long time and I just started it last year. On the plus side, I don't have to wait a year between books :) I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it!
