Saturday, August 26, 2017

I found my Little Free Libraries!

little free library
Booknerd Jacque and others are always talking about how they give and receive books from their local Little Free Library, and since I hadn't heard or or seen any around me, I just thought that they didn't exist. Last Thursday I was happy to discover that I was wrong!

I went to Little Free Library, typed my city and state into the map and voila! I found three! I was so excited about it, that I decided to hit all three after work. 

little free library
I didn't end up finding any books that I wanted to take, but I did leave about 3-4 books in each one for others to find and love. 

Then I went home and typed my neighboring city into the map on Little Free Library. There are 3 more that I plan to hit up when I get he chance.

I'm so excited! Do you have a Little Free Library near you? 

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