Monday, July 24, 2017

San Diego Comic Con 2017 Review and GIVEAWAY

Bookish goodies!
Hi friends!

So I just got back from my very first San Diego Comic Con (SDCC)! What an experience!! I knew it was going to be crazy and geeky and cool going in, but I didn't realize just how much so until I got to experience. It was fun and incredible and I'm so glad I was able to go!

Well, I went into the Con thinking, "I do a lot of book events outside of SDCC, so even though there are book events there, I'm going to stay away and focus on other things."


Nice try, Flo. You can't take a girl away from her books apparently. So, I did attend some great bookish events and get some great bookish things that I thought I'd share with you.

First of all, as soon as I found out that Leigh Bardugo was going to be signing copies of her new upcoming novel Wonder Woman: Warbringer, I was there! I love Leigh and her books so much. Not to mention, Macmillan was also giving away the DC Icons t-shirt that I've been drooling over since seeing people get them at YALLWEST.

Out of Print was selling t-shirts that said, "Fight Evil. Read Books." I. Mean. This was clearly an insta-buy for me and the friend I went with. I was also very excited to pick up ARC copies of The Glass Spare by Lauren DeStefano (thanks HarperTeen!) and Invictus by Ryan Graudin (thanks Novl!) I hadn't heard of Seventh Decimate by Stephen Donaldson, but it looks interesting, so thank you Berkeley.

It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but I also found a magnet bookmark of Newt from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them that I couldn't walk away from.

Finally, I was able to snag a sampler of Children of Blood and Bone by Toni Adeyemi. This one doesn't come out until next March, but looks so good! And this leads us to....

The friend I went with graciously agreed to donate his sampler of Children of Blood and Bone for a blog giveaway. Did I mention that this sampler is signed?! And I'm giving it away to one lucky commentor below. Int'l is OK! Just be sure to include your email address so I can contact you if you win. Tell me what your favorite reveal from SDCC was. If you don't have one, let me know what your favorite bookish item is that you own, whether you got it at a Con or other bookish event, or if it's something you bought or made. I'll pick a winner Friday, July 28.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you enjoyed Comic Con!!!
