Monday, July 10, 2017

It's 'I READ YA' Week!

I don't know about y'all, but I'm a big YA fan and I'm proud of it! So I love that we are celebrating it this week! Every day starting today and going through next Monday, July 17th, there will be a daily social media challenge. We're going to try to join in when we can and hope you can as well. Here's the lineup:

Monday, July 10: Tell us what you believe #YAStandsFor
Tuesday, July 11: Tell us about the YA book that helped you find your voice
Wednesday, July 12: Give a shout-out to your favorite fictional literary hero
Thursday, July 13: Swap a YA book about the positive power of friendship with your bestie
Friday, July 14: Create a graphic showcasing an inspirational YA quote
Saturday, July 15: Choose a YA book and share 3 important life lessons you took away from reading it
Sunday, July 16: Acknowledge a YA book you believe should be taught in high schools
Monday, July 17: Snap a pic of the YA book you believe everyone needs to read

If you are able to join in, don't forget to tag your posts with #YAStandsFor. See you out there!

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