Thursday, July 13, 2017

Book Review: Elegy by Tara Hudson

Elegy (Hereafter #3)

Elegy is the third and final book in the Hereafter series.  I was fortunate to pick up an ARC at the 2013 RT convention.  I kept meaning to read it, but for some reason it never made it to the top of my TBR list even though I read the first two books immediately after they were released.  As part of my 2017 New Year's Bookish Goals I decided it was time to complete some of the series I started in previous years, but never got around to finishing.  My goal was to complete 5 series, but I have already finished 7 with the conclusion of this book.

The Hereafter series is about a ghost named Amelia who is trapped between the "light" and "darkness"...AKA heaven and hell.  There are "Seers" who are humans with the ability to see ghosts.  Joshua is a seer, but he is also a boy Amelia saved from a tragic accident, which results in their ability to physically touch each other.  (Amelia ordinarily can't touch humans without passing through them.)  This is definitely a bonus since Amelia and Joshua have been dating the entire series.  They would like nothing more than to continue their happy existence forever, but the Demons from the Netherwold will not stop until they claim Amelia.

When she refuses to turn herself over, the Demons decide it is time to take matters into their own hands.  When the violence begins to strike a little too close to home, Amelia is forced to make a decision.  She formulates a plan and solicits the help of some unlikely candidates to hopefully end the evil once and for all.

I thought Tara did a excellent job of tying up all of the loose ends in this series, but I was shocked by the lack of detail at the very end.  We can see how things end at the present time, but there are far reaching implications that are never mentioned.  There was an epilogue which tried to soften the ending, but it doesn't really accomplish what most readers were likely hoping for.  A short story or a an additional chapter set well into the future would have been the icing on the cake for me.

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