Thursday, June 29, 2017

Book review: Grace and the Fever by Zan Romanoff

grace and the fever, zan romanoff
Book Summary
In middle school, everyone was a Fever Dream fan. Now, a few weeks after her high school graduation, Grace Thomas sometimes feels like the only one who never moved on. She can't imagine what she'd do without the community of online fans that share her obsession. Or what her IRL friends would say if they ever found out about it. 

Then, one summer night, the unthinkable happens: Grace meets her idol, Jes. What starts out as an elusive glimpse of Fever Dream's world turns into an unlikely romance, and leads her to confront dark, complex truths about herself and the realities of stardom.

Flo's Review
I am obsessed with the New Kids on the Block. And the Backstreet Boys. Basically, boy bands: I love them. So when I heard about this book, I was excited to lose myself in the world of fandom. 

The main character, Grace Thomas, is secretly a Fever Dream fan. She goes for a run one night and happens upon one of the members. So starts this whirlwind of parties and clubs and paparazzi and more. Unfortunately, I never connected with Grace. I don't know...I kind of feel like this book did a lot of "tell" and not that much "show." I never really deeply felt Grace's love for this band. And throughout the book I felt like I was reading a story, not like I was engrossed or involved with it.

I did like Jes, and it was interesting to see this take on what is the reality of celebrities' images and personalities versus what their fans create for them. And I appreciated the honest and realistic ending. 

Thank you to Random House for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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