Happy almost-June everybody! Can you believe 2015 is almost halfway over?!? Well, as I was wandering around the blogging world I learned of Book Bloggers International Juneterviews. The idea is bloggers interviewing bloggers in a fun and creative way. I was paired up with Sara from The Great Catsby, and first of all -- I love her blog! Cats! Drinks! Books! What's NOT to love?!
For our Juneterview, we came up with the questions to ask each other and decided to answer them visually. (Side note: This is super fun and everyone should try it!)
The questions:
1. What is your favorite emoticon and why?
2. Favorite book/drink pairing?
3. What five books do you always find yourself recommending to people who ask you for book recommendations?
4. You somehow roped someone into writing your memoirs. What's the name of your book?
5. Other than old books, what would you say is the best smell in the world?
6. Which title in your bookshelf are you least likely to read in public?
7. If you could pick any character from a book to be your sibling, who would you pick?
8. If you were to imagine the pages of the book you are currently reading to be miles, what is the furthest place you could get to? (aka 300 pages is 300 miles.... what's 300 miles from you....)
The answers: