Friday, November 12, 2010


Happy Friday, booknerds!

A little background....#FridayReads was started by Bethanne Patrick (@thebookmaven) on Twitter to promote.....(wait for it.....)  --- reading. (Because it's awesome!) Quite simply, people will tweet the hashtag #FridayReads and let everyone know what they're currently engrossed in.

So, all us booknerds are tweeting away, and it turns out that 3 of us are reading the exact same book! Unplanned! It's like the time we were all reading & talking about Mockingjay (aka The Best Book Ever!)

What book was it that caught all three of our attentions? Drumroll.....

Cover Image

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.

You know what this means: multiple reviews of the same book at the same time! Fun, right?! It's the beauty of blog collaboration: different views, one webpage :)

So stay tuned for that! In the meantime, happy Friday!  What are your #FridayReads?

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